Development of reinforcement
CSA A23.3
Reinforcing size: 15MReinforcing area: 200 mm2
Reinforcing diameter: 16 mm
Reinforcing bundle: 1
fy: 400 MPa
f'c: 25 MPaTension Development Length
Factorsk1: 1.0
k2: 1.0
k3: 1.0
k4: 0.8
kBundle: 1 Simplified method:
Development length, ℓd = 0.6*k1*k2*k3*k4*fy*db / (f'c0.5) ) * kBundle = 614.4mm
Tension Development length, ℓd = 614.4mm
Compression Development Length
FactorskEnclosed: 1.0
kBundle: 1 [12.3]
Development LengthBasic development length, ℓdb = 0.24*db*fy / (f'c0.5) = 307.2mm
but not less than 0.044dfy = 281.6mm
Basic development length, ℓdb = 307.2mm
With factors applied: ℓd =307.2mm [but shall not be less than 200mm]
Compression Development length, ℓd = 307.2mm
Standard Hook in Tension Development Length
Factorska = fy / 400 = 1
kb = 1
kc = 1
kd = (As required) / (As provided) = 1
ke = 1
kf = 1
Development Length
Basic hook development length, ℓhb = 100*db / (f'c0.5) = 320mm [12.5.1]
with factors applied: ℓdh = 320mm but not less than 150mm or 8db = 150mm