Lower adjacent roofs
Adjacent to obstructions
Specified wind load - Static Procedure
Wind load on individual walls for the design of C&C
Wind loads on roofs with slope of 7 degrees or less.
Wind on single-span gabled and hipped roofs with a slope between 7 and 45 degrees for C&C
multi-span gabled roofs with a slope between 10 and 45 degrees for C&C
Monoslope roofs between 3 and 30 degrees for C&C
Seismic Equivalent Static Method
Element of Structure, Non-structural Component and Equip. (NBC 2020)
Lower adjacent roofs
Adjacent to obstructions
Specified wind load
Seismic Equivalent Static Method
Element of Structure, Non-structural Component and Equip. (NBC 2015)
Lower adjacent roofs
Adjacent to obstructions
Specified wind load
Seismic Equivalent Static Method
Element of Structure, Non-structural Component and Equip. (NBC 2010)
Roof snow load
Specified wind load
Seismic Equivalent Static Method
Element of Structure, Non-structural Component and Equip. (NBC 2005)
Steel sections
axial compression
Steel section web crippling / stiffener
Steel Column Baseplate
Weld Connection